Idoom Adsl Pro
For your business or professional connectivity needs, Algeria Telecom proposes Idoom ADSL Pro offers with a full range of advantages, available at different speeds: 15 Mbps or 20 Mbps, or even 50 Mbps in VDSL.
Subscription rates :
- Modem price: Available for sale (prices depend on the chosen model).
- Installation fee: 2 000 DA
Alternatively, you can enjoy a free installation when subscribing for 03 months or more.
In order to benefit from this offer, you can send your request online or visit your local store.
NB: If no recharge during 06 months, a cancellation charge of 25,000 DA must be paid.
Preferential rates for products and solutions available at our stores:
If you subscribe to 20 Mbps or more, you can also take advantage of preferential rates for our products and solutions available at our stores:
- Modems , Routers... ( While stocks last ) :
○ ADSL / VDSL modem (Tenda) V12 ;
○ Router (Tenda) AC 23 ;
○ DSL-245GE ;
○ DSL-X1852E ;
○ COVR1103;
Of course, we are always happy to provide answers to any further questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us at:
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