A major leap forward for FTTH (fibre to the home): Number of homes connected now reaches 1 million

Under the government strategic objectives for information and communication technologies (ICTs), set out to achieve the commitments made by the President of the Republic, our country has made a qualitative and quantitative step forward in terms of very high-speed landline internet , focusing on "fibre to the home" (FTTH) technology.

The number of customers using FTTH technology has grown exponentially, from almost 53,000 at the beginning of 2020 to 1 million by the beginning of November 2023.

This growth in the number of homes connected to FTTH was associated with significant improvements in the speeds offered to subscribers, up to 300 Mbps, with a downward revision of prices for higher speeds.

To attract customers to Algeria Telecom's new offers and ease the adoption of this advanced technology, a major communication effort has been made through local campaigns, particularly among residents of new cities.

Besides the positive development observed on indicators (number of subscribers, improvement in bandwidth, and FTTH rollout ratio), our country stands out for the particularity of rolling out FTTH across the country's 58 wilayas, as part of a balanced approach to extending ICTs across the national territory.

The FTTH technology is currently being deployed in order to :

-  Connect new customers to Internet, especially in new towns and cities;

- Upgrade existing access networks based on old technology to gradually switch customers from xDSL to FTTH.

As a reminder of the advantages and characteristics of this technology, the following should be indicated:

  • "Fiber To The Home" is a wired telecommunications network technology that provides very high-speed Internet access, and in which optical fibre is carried to the home. FTTH is a solution where optical fibre is used end-to-end between the optical connection node and the customer.
  • FTTH networks offer a high-quality internet and very high speeds. They also improve latency, reduce interruptions and eliminate vulnerability to electromagnetic interference.

In the light of the developments observed, the total number of homes connected to landline Internet network rose from 3.5 million at the start of 2020 to more than 5.4 million at the start of November 2023.

Finally, it is important to underline that the encouraging achievements made by our country in terms of landline Internet are the result, in terms of infrastructure, to the significant increase in equipped international bandwidth capacity, which has risen from 1.5 Tbps at the start of 2020 to 7.8 Tbps at present, but also, and above all, to the commitment and determination that have been the driving forces motivating the sector's competencies working to constantly improve the quality of service of the internet connectivity provided to the public.