Idoom Fibre: Algeria Telecom one step closer to the 1 million subscriber

Algeria Telecom is thrilled to announce the 900,000 FTTH (Fiber to The Home) customer, and now moving towards the million symbolic barrier.
On Sunday, September 17th, 2023, Algeria Telecom was extremely proud to register the 900,000th customer in Tirmitine village, Boughni, wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou.
To celebrate this major event, Algeria Telecom offered its 900,000th "Idoom Fibre" customer a year of free, unlimited Internet access at 300 Mbps.
Algeria Telecom has extended the “Idoom Fibre” offer for an additional month starting from September 14th, 2023.
This new success is another testimony of our company's commitment to modernise and extend our fibre optic network to serve all Algerian, everywhere.