Medico-surgical days at the University Hospital of Tizi-Ouzou: Algeria Telecom broadcasts live surgeries via videoconference

For the first time in Algeria! Algeria Telecom will broadcast surgical operations via videoconference in the university hospital’s auditorium of Tizi-Ouzou "Nedir Mohamed" on May 10 and 11, 2023. From the operating room at the general surgery department.

These surgeries were scheduled within the medical-surgical days held by the general surgery department of the Tizi Ouzou University Hospital, for educational purposes.

During those two days, four surgeries will be performed using laparoscopy, while broadcasted live using Algeria Telecom videoconference solution.

Prior to this, a series of real surgery tests have been performed by surgeons in collaboration with the Corporate and IT Solution Integration Division’s team and Tizi Ouzou’s DOT.

Another step to prove the company's efforts in supporting other sectors throughout the digitisation process.