ALGERIA TELECOM leader on the Algerian telecommunications expanding market, proposes a full range of voice and data services to the personal and business customers. This position was built via a powerful innovative policy adapted to the customer expectations and targeting the new users.

ALGERIA TELECOM is a joint-stock company with a capital stock operating on the market of networks and electronic communications services. It was enshrined by the law 2000/03 of August 05th, 2000, relative to the reorganization of the Post and Telecommunications Sector, beside the resolutions of the National Council for State Participations (CNPE) of March 1st , 2001 that established ALGERIA TELECOM as Public Economic Company.

Therefore, by this law ALGERIA TELECOM is a public economic company status in a legal form of a joint-stock company. With a share capital of Algerian Dinars, registered in the national center of trade register on May 11th , 2002 under number 02B 0018083.

Algeria Telecom in Numbers

Customers connected to Internet

More than 6.5M customers

Customers connected via Optical Fiber

More than 1.9M customers

Customers connected via ADSL / VDSL

More than 2.7M customers

Customers connected via Idoom 4G

More than 1.9M customers

Commercial network

More than 500 stores and points of presence