GROUPE TELECOM ALGERIE established on November 09th, 2017. It is an Algerian telecommunications public economic and joint-stock company, it aims to the implementation, the coordination and the control of the major telecommunications projects in Algeria. GROUPE TELECOM ALGERIE owns six (06) public economic companies, four (04) are direct subsidiaries, while the two others are indirectly attached to GTA as sub-subsidiaries.
GTA counts currently over 25,000 employees across the national territory led by Mr. Khaled ZARAT the President and CEO.
GTA creation was originated from its current subsidiary ALGERIA TELECOM, this last was launched in 2000, enshrined by the law 2000/03 of August 05th, 2000, after the split-off the postal and the telecommunications activities from the former PTT.
ALGERIA TELECOM's main activities are services to the customers such as broadband internet, wireless connections (4G LTE), landline telephone, and several satellite services (VSAT and others/ etc.)
Before the split-off of the former PTT, the telecommunications market in Algeria was a poor field, at that time only 6% of the Algerian population had network coverage.
During the 2000s, the telecommunication technology was only one method in Algeria, known as TDM (Multi Time Division),” This technique is a media access control, that enable the transmission of multiples streams of traffic via a cable or a frequency bandwidth.
On April 10th, 2003, ALGERIA TELECOM started officially its commercial activities as a national telecommunications company, enshrined by the law 2000/03 as stated before.
ALGERIA TELECOM offered several telecommunications services through several network technologies such as the RTPC (Real Time Transport Control Protocol) for the landline telephone, the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) for the mobile, the Dz-PAC and MEGA-PAC for official and governmental publications, and broadband internet via DJAWAB one of its subsidiaries at that time.
About GTA subsidiaries:
A provider of landline telephone, broadband internet and wireless connection.
A mobile network and wireless broadband internet operator.
Satellite telecommunications company.
Company managing the “ORVAL/ALVAL” submarine cable linking the Algerian - European telecommunications.
A company that fulfills the demand for raw fiber optic solutions and devices (dark fiber optic).
A company expert in modern technology solutions allowing companies to communicate efficiently on both intern and extern ways. At the image of GTA’s subsidiaries, SATICOM works very hard for the customer’s satisfaction with the usual services quality.